Sunday, May 17, 2009

Carter Turned 2!

So have we officially entered the terrible two's? Officially yes, but unofficially he entered about 6 months ago. His birthday was on Saturday and we had a good time. We had a BBQ and played around. He was really tired by the end of the night as were his parents.

Gm'a Bunny gave him a picture that she made with Carter's head on Superman. Carter wasn't too sure about this one. He loved it and said, "Super Power" with some serious conviction. But I think he was baffled by how his head ended up on superman's body. He had to show everyone.
My sister gave him a bunch of board books, which he loves and his cousin, Jude loved it as well. A captive audience with Carter.

Carter getting help from Lucy.

Carter's bear cake. When will I learn that simplicity is best? I think never. Oh well as my brother says,"That a girl, Tina"

1 comment:

Sher said...

That cake is AWESOME, seriously! I think I need to hire you to come make my cakes!